Welcome to Prestozon!  Prestozon inherits all of your permissions from Amazon, we will automatically import your accounts into the system (if you don't see a particular account, let us know over at support@prestozon.com).  All accounts are imported as free trial accounts by default.  You can upgrade your accounts by following these steps:

Select the "Accounts" button to find the accounts associated with your user:

Select the account you want to upgrade:

Click the Have a referral code link:

Enter your referral or admin promo code:

When you press apply code, you'll see a confirmation.  Confirm that the account is correct and then you can press subscribe!

You're all set!  This account is now upgraded.  You can do this for each account you want to manage with Prestozon and it will automatically be added to your agency billing account. Subscriptions are per account and per user.  We do this so that you can choose exactly what accounts and users are on your paid account.  You can use your admin code to upgrade any account you like, only accounts upgraded with your admin code will be used to calculate your spend for payment.  We currently don’t charge extra for multiple users on an account either, so you can use the admin code for multiple users on a single account and you won’t get charged extra for that account.