Yes! You can choose which campaigns to automate. When you enable automation for a campaign in the Campaign Manager, we'll automatically apply your bid suggestions. 

We also offer automation for Keyword Suggestions that are generated by Rules. Rules automation moves good performing search terms into manual campaigns as keywords, creates negative keywords, and so forth, depending on how you have your Rules set up and customized.

To enable Rules automation, click the eye icon in the Rules column of Campaign Manager. This will open the Rules editor. On this dialog you can toggle on Automation on a per-rule basis (see screenshot below).

Learn more about Rules read our blog post here: Prestozon’s Rules Engine and Why It Changes the Game

When you're ready to start creating keyword rules check out this quick video tutorial and walkthrough: Creating + Editing Keyword Rules for Amazon PPC Advertising Campaign Management 2019

Note that for now, Product Targeting Ads (formerly Product Attribute Targeting) are supported for bid suggestions and analytics; support for Product Targeting rules are forthcoming very soon.